Agenda Test EN

Agenda Test EN

Agenda Test EN

Photography/ Augmented Reality/ Moving Image

Gallerists: IBOC (New York/US) and The Light Gallery (London/UK and Medellín/Colombia)


  • Edition of 3 of each – mounted, non-framed

  • Certificate signed by the artists

  • Photography Luxury Artbook signed by the artists

Dimensions and prices:

  • Your purchase may be eligible as tax-deductible in the US (20%)

  • Shipping from New York/US

  • Shipping not included

Categories: documentary travel photography, color photography, manipulated photography, cityscapes and cityscenes.


Parte 1
Parte 2

Reminiscencias | Puntadas (Reminiscences / Stitches)

Talk: “Las reminiscencias del transeúnte: imágenes que detonan narrativas.” (“The reminiscences of the passerby: images that detonate narratives.”)

November 6th. Medellin, CO.

Antioquia University.


DRHA 2019 Conference

Poster presentation: “The Transeuntis Mundi Project: an immersion into human cultural heritage”.

Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts Conference. September 8-10th. London, UK.

Poster and Panel Presentation