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Include your city to the Transeuntis Mundi Project Map

Transeuntis Mundi is an ongoing project, constantly interested in capturing new images and sounds from the transeuntis in different cities around the world in new fieldwork expeditions.

*Supports for this project are tax-deductible in some countries.

Get in contact to know how to participate in the project


    Hechiso“: It is used in the popular language to refer to what is produced in an artisan way, outside the industrial circuits.


    Hechiso is a program for the development of artistic projects related to the community. It demands the relationship with the inhabitants of the surroundings, seeking a formula of collaborative work or articulation with the particularities of the inhabitants of the territory. In this sense, aims to establish an intersection between the artist, who arrives without context, but carrying an equally valid tradition, and the members of the community, the holders of localized knowledge.

    In this case, the inhabitants of the community are called peasants, located in the municipality of Barbosa, a town located north of Medellin (about 1 hour) – in the Andes of Colombia – at an altitude of 1,400 meters above sea level. Therefore, the conception of the world will be linked to rural life but conditioned by the proximity of a city with so many tensions as has been the city of Medellin.

    The duration of the artistic residency is from 2 weeks to 2 months.


    To receive our newsletter and be informed about upcoming opportunities, please sign up at the contact form and follow our social network Facebook and Instagram.

    The Transeuntis Mundi project conducts artistic and specialized lectures and workshops, debating on relevant and updated issues related to the investigation of the work developed. The project has an transdisciplinary team that creates a broad and complementary approach on the topics discussed.

    Artistics Workshops

    WALKSCAPES – Walking as an esthetic practice for field recording

    This workshop presents the methodology of the Transeuntis Mundi Project as a creative tool for audiovisual and performance projects. The practice of Walkscapes leads to an exploration of the city, architecture, cultures, personalities, and narratives, in an immersive and creative approach. In this workshop, it will be presented the parameters and manuals of collaborative recordings to guide the elements of artistic and technical creation.

    DNArchive: An Artistic Experience about Time, Migration and Ancestrality

    Looking back hundreds of generations, how would things sound like music? How would they move in space and time? Also, how can the past anticipate the future and the future anticipate the past? In this composition workshop, the audience is invited to investigate images, objects, movements and sounds that are stored in your DNA as memories, impressions, forms and stories. This workshop is an invitation to identity and memory, which aims to produce material for future interdisciplinary compositions, performances and installations.

    Audio and video edition in 360º technology

    This workshop explores the creation of 3D audiovisual content, examining the processes of pre-production, production and postproduction of audio and video content in 360º. It contains a theoretical and practical approach, from the history of immersive technology to the practice of recording, editing and publishing a project. This course has advanced technical requirements for its realization. Consult the technical plan.

    Conferences and Specialized Workshops

    Some possible topics, ministered by a transdisciplinary team:

    • New communication technologies and technological innovation
    • Art and culture
    • Global and migration policy
    • Social inclusion and accessibility
    • Migration and sustainability
    • Cultural entrepreneurship
    • Social Innovation
    • Technology for interactive education
    • Pedagogies and didactics for creativity
    • Creativity as a transdisciplinary tool

    At the Transeuntis Mundi Concert, an immersive, live performance presentation explores the sensory language shared between visual art and music. Created from a transdisciplinary, transmedia and collaborative interaction, which combines human interaction and artificial intelligence to create photographs, cinema, sounds and music.

    The sound works were created by 8 transcultural composers – originating from the territories where Deriva 01 passed through. They are composers from Colombia, Brazil, England and the United States. Responding to an invitation from the Transeuntis Mundi Project, these composers worked on the sound and transcultural archive of this work and presented a map of readings in multiple musical aesthetics for the theme of this work. There are songs, fugues, electroacoustic pieces under soundscapes, piano work, poetry, and live performance informed by the theme of ancient migration and transculturality.

    The visual works are created in real time, through a generative action of artificial intelligence using sound photographs from the Transeuntis Mundi collection. The result is an always surprising and expressive creation, centered on the colors, shapes and textures of transculturality, on the human journey and its nuances.

    The Concert at MAC explores in its architectural format the form of Transeuntis Mundi creations: the circular. The circular is in our 360-degree recordings, in the virtual reality space, in our photographs, in the spatialization of our sounds – and in the format of the MAC hall designed by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. A 6-channel sound system will immerse the audience in a circular and itinerant sound and audiovisual experience, as the audience walks around the concert, and in this way explores the different acoustic interactions with the MAC space.

    The concert features works by composers: Cândida Borges (Brazil/USA), Rodrigo Henao (Colombia), Natália Henao (Colombia), João MacDowel (Brazil/USA), Esteban Henao (Colombia), Kerry Priest (England), Rafael Mejía (Colombia), Ana Maria Romano (Colombia). The concert has artistic direction by Cândida Borges and Gabriel Mario Velez, broadcast/audiovisual creations by Esteban Henao and broadcast/live performance by musician Rodrigo Henao and his collection of Colombian and world flutes.

    On August 5, 2023, the artists from the Transeuntis Mundi project launched the Artist’s Book Transeuntis Mundi Deriva 01, at the Museum of Contemporary Art (Niterói/RJ), a version that celebrates 5 years of migration and the art of this work.

    The book is part of the project’s transmedia creations, defined as a portal for photographs, stories and sounds in augmented reality.

    Special thanks to MAC – Museu de Arte Contemporânea (Museum of Contemporary Art) for opening its doors to welcome us once again and to Complexo Hospitalar de Niterói -CHN (Niterói Hospital Complex), which is part of Dasa, the largest integrated health network in Brazil, for investing in innovation, research and Brazilian contemporary art! Culture is good for your health!

    Transeuntis Mundi MAC 2023 Artist Book

    Clique na imagem para acessar.


    Exhibition: Transeuntis Mundi Deriva 01

    Immersive sound and audiovisual installation, with virtual and augmented reality and projections. Works of art and technology about ancient human migration – transculturalism, transhumancy and transmediality.