Agenda Test EN

Agenda Test EN

Agenda Test EN

Transeuntis Mundi is a socially-engaged artistic project that approaches topics like migrations, diversity, accessibility, and cultural legacy. The project develops several initiatives to explores this knowledge in a transdisciplinary debate.

See below the current initiatives and projects of Transeuntis Mundi:

Expanding the Map

Do you want to see your city in the work? TM is an ongoing research and is open to new fieldwork recordings to capture the images and sounds of your place.

Workshops and Lectures

TM project counts on a transdisciplinary team of well-known artists and professionals from different educational backgrounds. The project offers artistic and specialized workshops on topics, such as technological innovations, art and culture, migratory processes, and cultural entrepreneurship, among others.

Socially-Engaged Art Project

The project “Empowering Migrants Through Digital Art Production” aims to integrate migrants in Colombia and Brazil by training and engaging their involvement in digital arts productions. The goal of the project is to reverse the processes of social exclusion from these refugees and migrants, through the promotion of digital arts training programs. The project will improve professional skills, contribute to increasing employment opportunities, and reduce stigmas and prejudices against migrants.


TM project also develops an annual residency that offers international artists the opportunity to develop their artistic works surrounded by the astonishing nature of Colombia.

*Donations are tax-deductible in the US and Brazil.

If you want to contribute or participate, please contact us below:


    Cândida L. Borges (Brasil/ US)

    Musician and transmedia artist, educator, composer, and scholar. Ph.D. in Computer Music from the ICCMR of Plymouth University (UK), Master in Music Performance/Piano from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR), Co-founder and director of the Transeuntis Mundi Project and the Brazilian Non-Profit Casa de Arte e Cultura.

    Gabriel Mario Vélez (Colômbia)

    Visual and transmedia artist, professor, arts administrator and scholar from Colombia. Dean of the Antioquia University School of Arts (Medellín, Colombia), Pos-Doc from the National University of Córdoba (Argentina, 2011), Doctor/Master of Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain, 2004) and Bachelor in Fine Arts from the University of Antioquia (Medellín/ Colombia, 1993). Co-founder and artist of the Transeuntis Mundi Project.

    Esteban Henao (Colombia)

    Engineering and Technical Development

    Sound Engineer and Adjunct Professor @ San Buenaventura University (CO), CEO @ Sonora Ingeniería Acústica, and Master’s student of Arts @ Antioquia University (CO).

    Lívia Borges (Brazil)

    Projects Coordination

    Economist @ Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (BR), MBA in Corporate Finance @ Getulio Vargas Foundation (BR) and Master’s degree in International Studies @ University Institute of Lisbon (PT).

    David Romero (Colombia)

    Editor and Technical Productor

    Coordinator @ Crealab of the University of Antioquia (CO); Professor of Arts @ the University of Antioquia.


    We thank our sponsors:

    Transeuntis Mundi is a transmedia artistic project, which includes a set of works in different media. In its exploration of the 360-degree technology, a collection of images portray their narratives, moments and places. They look like photographs, but they are also living works, full of sounds and stories. Each of these images tells one or several “minimal stories”, in their local languages, for a transcultural immersion, including the melody of the languages. Some pieces have accessibility elements as well.

    To bring your images to life, follow the steps below:

    1. Install the ARTIVIVE app on your cell phone or tablet – For Android For OS

    2. Ideally, connect a headset – if you have one nearby (Optional).

    3. Open the app and point your camera at the image. Immerse yourself/Contemplate.

    Transeuntis Mundi Deriva 01 is a series that contains 8 vivid photograph pieces with augmented reality. These works can be visited in our exhibitions, in their programs and in our ARTIST BOOK.

    These works are available to be acquired for private collections (serial collection).

    Discover the works HERE.

    More information HERE.

    • Borges, C. (2023). Sound of the Year British Library Board. May, 2023. London, UK.
    • Vélez, G., Borges, C. (2023). Las historias mínimas del anónimo transeúnte: Las sonoridades a viva voz. Revista Corpo-grafías: Estudios Críticos de y desde los Cuerpos, 10(10), pp. ISSN 2390-0288.
    • Borges, C. (2023) Transeuntis Mundi  – a nomadic artistic practice. PhD Thesis. University of Plymouth, UK, 2023.  Available at
    • Borges, C., Salazar, G. (2023) Derive 01 E Web Derive 01: Realidades Virtuais Do Projeto Transeuntis Mundi. Part of “Storybits I – Narrativa e media digitais”. LABCOM. Universidade da Beira Interior Rua Marquês D’Ávila e Bolama. 6201-001 Covilhã. Portugal Covilhã, 2022. ISBN 978-989-654-887-2 (papel). DOI 10.25768/ 654-889-6.
    • Borges, C.  “‘Transeuntis Mundi – artistic research across borders2022 Doctoral Conference at the University of Plymouth. Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business “Research that Impacts Lives, Businesses and Societies”
    • Borges, C.  “Web Derive 01 – an online performance of the Transeuntis Mundi Project” 2021 Doctoral Conference at the University of Plymouth. Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Business “Research that Impacts Lives, Businesses and Societies” 
    • Borges, C. Postgraduate Research Showcase (2020) The Transeuntis Mundi Project. University of Plymouth. Plymouth, UK. March 2020.
    • Borges, C.,  Salazar, G. (2019) Transeuntis Mundi  – an installation about migration and human legacy. Frameless Symposium & Journal Submission 2019. New York, US. Available at
    • Borges, C. (2019) The Transeuntis Mundi Project: an immersion into human cultural heritage. DRHA Radical Immersions 2019: Book of Abstracts. Watermans Arts Centre, London, UK. Available at
    • Salazar, G. (2009) Las historias mínimas del anónimo transeúnte. Breve reseña de un episodio urbano. Co-herencia Magazine. Vol. 6. nº 11. p. 149-164. Medellín, Colombia. ISSN 1794-5887. Available at